Last weekend was The ANDERSON Family Reunion at Palisade State Park. We headed down to it after Joe got off work on Friday afternoon. It was hot and fun. Friday night, Damon headed down to the lake with cousins, without a swimming suit, and just stripped down to his diaper and headed into the water. He was freezing and soggy by the time I carried him back up to camp. Afterwards was visiting, playing games, and getting ready for bed. Halle crawled around everywhere making truck noises with her tounge, and putting any and everything in her mouth.

Joe, Damon, Halle, and I shared a tent, and all four of us ended up on what was supposed to be Joe's and mine air mattress. Halle had a hard time falling asleep due to it being so windy. She would see the leaves shadows blowing through the walls of the tent, and just wanted to "get them". The next morning, a big breakfast was cooked, along with more swimming. Joe was swimming with Damon, and nephews Kade and Conner. He was coming back to shore, dragging all three boys through the water, when he felt his wedding ring slipping off his finger, and then fall. I just heard him scream..."I lost my wedding ring". Funny thing is, on the 4th of July, I lost my wedding rings in my parents backyard as we were playing softball...lucky enough to find them 3 days later after searching on hands and knees through the whole back yard. Well, Joe, a couple of his uncles, and cousin-in-laws helped dive up and down up and down, searching for Joe's ring. After about 45 minutes of doing this in the murkey water, Joe kind of gave up. About ten minutes later, Joe's uncle Shawn yelled out.."I GOT IT". He had never given up, and even though every other guy had come to shore, Shawn kept on looking, and somehow found Joe's ring. THANKS SHAWN!

It was a fun, hot, successful family reunion. We had a blast...
I'm so glad he got his ring back! I lost mine after M was born and have never found it. It was a handmade heirloom and it still makes me sick thinking about it. Looks like a fun reunion. Thanks for the comments about my kiddies on my page. Yours do the same for me. So precious and sweet.
AH! That is so crazy you both lost your rings in the SAME month! Kinda scary! I am so happy that you found them all! Wow. You two must be living right!
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