Friday, July 18, 2008


When I went into Halle's room this morning to wake her up, this is the position I found her in. Isn't it funny the ways your children can sleep? They can fall asleep at any moment, in any amount of noise, in any position. I just giggled at her this morning!


averett's said...

She is so dang cute my teeth hurt!:)

Michelle said...

I love it. I want to kiss her little neck. I love baby necks! So cute.

Jessie said...

Man I love that fuzzy haired little girl!!!

Jessie said...

So I was wondering what you meant the first time you commented on my memory blog..... OOPS! Didn't realize that I was soliciting memories of you and Joe! All I did was copy and paste your info. LOL! Blonde moment for Jessie!

Brimaca said...

Too funny. I wish I could sleep that well.

Amelia said...

that is funny! Do you have to wake her up every morning? lucky!