Just like I said a few days ago.....Kids can fall asleep
ANY where at
ANY time, in
ANY position. Yesterday, Damon was outside playing with his new lizards, just waiting for Joe to get home from work. He had only been outside for about 5 minutes, when I looked out the window to check on him, and this is what I saw. He was asleep on the front stairs, too exhausted from his day to wait any longer for his daddy to get home. I couldn't believe he could just curl up and fall asleep on the concrete steps like that, not to mention it was 5:00 p.m. (Hot as Heck outside.) Too too cute!

I wish my kids fell asleep so easily!
ditto to what brittany said. I need to spend some time with you so your kids can rub off on mine!
Hey Kirstin!!
How are you??? OK, your kids are Darling!! I love that he fell asleep outside (with the lizards!) Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog- I wish I lived in Utah- (I live in WA) I would love for you to come visit us in the hospital!!
Seriously, you have the cutest kids EVER!! We can keep in touch now- Yay for blogging!!
That is so cute! What a trooper trying to wait for his dad to get home! He is such a cutie, Aiden misses him a lot! How did the tetons go?
That is too cute! I love to watch kids fall asleep in weird places! Zach will sometimes do it in his little chair by the tv. His head just bounces around as his eyes close. So funny!
I can never get enough of my little Damon. MAN I LOVE THAT KID. Give him a big kiss for me!
I got their dresses at gymboree. It was in CA when I bought them just a few weeks ago, so they should still have them. I think they are super cute. Glad you like them too. You can find it at this website too http://www.gymboree.com/shop/dept_category.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302774893&bmUID=1217209110406 I think they have a lot of cute dresses right now. I feel like this one is a bit pricey, but my mother-in-law bought them, so hey, can't complain.
how precious!!!
we do need to get together again! i'll talk with jeff about it.
This is still one of the cutest things ever. I of course was hoping for something new but this is too cute!
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