Thursday, August 7, 2008

One Year Ago.....

I was reflecting on last year at this time recently. I notice myself every now and then getting ornery with Joe, or impatient with him and the kids. I really try to keep my cool, but as we all know, that is something that can be hard to do at all times. I remember myself last year at this time saying... "When Joe is home again, I will never take a second of it for granted. I will never yell at him over stupid things. I will just be happy to have him home!" Well those words lasted me about 2 weeks after Joe got home, and I am back to myself, ornery, impatient, and all. I was looking through all of my pictures I had from last year's summer, and it put me in check again...(For a day at least.) Although Damon was a blast last summer, and I wouldn't trade the memories I made, and the lessons I learned for anything..... I also wouldn't ever want my husband gone again...(let alone being pregnant months 5-9 without Joe here and during the heat of the summer nonetheless, and then having a baby without him.) I thought I would just post pics from last year to look back and reflect. It is funny and amazing to look back and see where we were in life just one year ago. I am so happy for what this new year and summer has brought us. Last summer, we sent Joe off to Ft. Bliss Texas to train to go to Iraq. I was pregnant. Damon was 18 months old.... This summer, Joe is home. Damon is an extremely active 2 1/2 year old, and Halle is on the brink of turning one! I will again try my hardest to just be happy and excited with what each new day brings.....Not take a moment for granted!


Holen's Hoping to Adopt! said...

Hi Kirstin-
Long time, no see! I love finding old friends on blogger. You have adorable children! It looks like you have a great family!

Sarah (West) Holen

My blog is

Brimaca said...

Thanks for sharing that. I missed that part of your life so I was really glad to get to see it. Don't be too hard on yourself it's the human thing to get back "normal." We just have to restart everyday and say, "Today I will be better than yesterday."

Jenny said...

Thanks for helping me put my life back into perspective too.