Saturday, May 17, 2008

Joe's past year...

I got an email from Joe today letting me know he is officially done working. He has trained his replacements, and no longer has to do any work in Iraq. I am just ecstatic for him! That means he will be leaving Iraq very shortly to come home! Joe, I am so proud of you and what you have done this past year! Here are just a few pictures of Joe's last year.....


The Olsons said...

That is so exciting! I am so happy for you Kirstin! I don't know how you did it with him gone so long! But you did it and you did a lot!

Tara said...

Lauren did cut her hair pretty short! It looks so cute though! We need to hang out before Joe comes home because you two won't come out of the house for a few weeks if you know what I mean!! ha ha
love you guys!