There were a lot of happy Dam tourists, and Dam workers everywhere. Tons of Dam water. Quite a bit of Dam walking. We had to park on the 6th floor of the Dam parking lot, and take the Dam elevators down. We got some souveniers at the Dam giftshop. I recommend this Dam trip to anyone who is already headed to Vegas! Quite the Dam experience to see if I do say so. And yes... I think I am Dam hilarious!
Your kids are so cute!! One time I told Damon's lion to warn the other animals whenever he was going to fart and stink, and Damon was laughing so hard that he coudn't catch his breath and he was crying. That is one of my favorite memories.
That is funny! It reminds me of when Carson was taking a Dam construction class at BYU we use to always tease about his DAM test and his DAM homework and how he had to read his DAM book. It made for a great semester! ~I can't believe how grown up your little ones are!
After almost 6 years of marriage, Joe and I have two beautiful children, Damon and Halle. In September of 2008 I opened my own preschool (Tiny Scholars.) It has been a blast thus far, and I plan to continue teaching for many years to come.
dam..... now I'm ready for a Lake Mead trip
I don't care who you are. That's funny!
Your a goof! Cute pics. You are so pretty!
You are pretty DAM funny! ha ha!
I love that dam place!
Your kids are so cute!! One time I told Damon's lion to warn the other animals whenever he was going to fart and stink, and Damon was laughing so hard that he coudn't catch his breath and he was crying. That is one of my favorite memories.
I think you're dam hilarious too!
That is funny! It reminds me of when Carson was taking a Dam construction class at BYU we use to always tease about his DAM test and his DAM homework and how he had to read his DAM book. It made for a great semester!
~I can't believe how grown up your little ones are!
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