Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Cael Joseph Anderson
Born December 21, 2010
2:46 a.m.
7 lb 3 oz
18 inches

Home from the hospital. I LOVE these 4 people more than life itself!

Joe and Cael. Our little Christmas baby :)

Damon and Halle love taking turns feeding Cael and taking care of him!
..... And then, we bought ourselves a new fancy shmancy camera. I have yet to read all about it and figure out all of the amazing features on it, but good thing is that I should never have to pay to go get my kids pictures taken again (once I figure out everything that is...)

That being said, I "tried" to do a photo session with my kids. Needless to say, nothing worked out all that great. Lucky for me I have cute kids. Unlucky for me, no one wants to cooperate yet, and I still haven't learned the in's and out's of my new camera. Here are some samples of my beautiful three kids' pictures though...


I can't believe that my first baby is going to be going to school soon! They grow up too fast!


(he he he, no this wasn't her photo shoot... this was her hair the other morning right as she woke up. I have no idea how she can get it so snarley!)

I find it funny that someone so grumpy can be so drop dead gorgeous!

*CAEL JOSEPH - 3 weeks*

*** I think the pictures of Cael and Halle crying are some of the cutest pictures ever. Probably just cause I am their mom, but still, pretty darn cute!

This blog was to update those on pictures of my children... I will try my hardest to keep the blog somewhat updated, but I am NOT making any promises :) Have a great day!