Cael Joseph Anderson
Born December 21, 2010
2:46 a.m.
7 lb 3 oz
18 inches
That being said, I "tried" to do a photo session with my kids. Needless to say, nothing worked out all that great. Lucky for me I have cute kids. Unlucky for me, no one wants to cooperate yet, and I still haven't learned the in's and out's of my new camera. Here are some samples of my beautiful three kids' pictures though...
*CAEL JOSEPH - 3 weeks*
*** I think the pictures of Cael and Halle crying are some of the cutest pictures ever. Probably just cause I am their mom, but still, pretty darn cute!
This blog was to update those on pictures of my children... I will try my hardest to keep the blog somewhat updated, but I am NOT making any promises :) Have a great day!